The Primary Virsel Views on
The Matters of Pre-Reincarnation and Reincarnation

What are here are some written pieces on and around Re-incarnation. 
The following explanations are purely a Virsel View and do not reflect the views of others.​

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To continue the explanation…

Here are the Virsel explanations of The Pre-reincarnation (in brief).
The first of these are the primary views which cover three areas, Pre-life, Life and then Afterlife
(Afterlife meaning the continuance of you after the end of the physical body).

Life in the Middle

The whole purpose of the Pre-life event is the manufacture and manifestation of Inner planetary life form (also known as a Core of life), which is then through the process of conception transposed into a physical embodiment also known, as an example, a foetus, an egg etc. When this happens it means that the middle life event can begin as it is a designated process that nature has decided upon. At this point the mother concerned becomes both the custodian and maker of the new planetary life form. The process of pre-life is for all inner life regardless of species or kind.

The life in the middle, is the second part of the bargain of life, the first principle being the giving done by the male. The female receives it and carries on over a period of ‘A Term’ (the length of time it takes from conception to giving birth or the time it takes such as from the egg to hatching and so on). There are many ways in which life in the physical is manufactured and then born. The body of the human generally takes about nine months from beginning to end and is itself a life form.

The body can live without a core or soul. It can go on because of the automatic life systems that support it over and beyond the demands of its occupant, the core of it. A good example of that is when after illness or accident the body becomes lifeless (lifeless here meaning not dead but alive without recognition of itself or what it was before). They also call this apart from other medical names a coma or in the worst cases, a vegetable state. The body with care and attention can go on for many years in that condition as the automatic functions will keep the body alive.

Being alive isn’t just automatic and mechanical, (being mechanical is the first primordial process of life in the physical body), as at the centre of all of this, is what is called The Core (or soul) transposed from the pre-life to the physical life during the event of conception, which naturally occurs in three stages:

1- The physical conception- The sperm entering the ovum creating an embryo in the conceiving mother.

2- The transient conception- The bonding of the embryo, the pre-life core and the conceiving mother together in a clairvoyant and empathic connection to the Greater Mother, the planet herself.

3- The transcendental conception- The inception of a developed or highly developed Core into a process of repetitional life both planetary and beyond (a process and/or determined pathway), called Re-incarnation.

All Cores when released into the planetary environment require a physical body, as they cannot live for too long with occupying one, time and timing being of the essence in this. The reason for this is that they have no support system for life, they need a body to process and supply them with the necessary fuels and ingredients to live. The fact of this is hard but true as against the cultural view, which is that all are somehow special and therefore important to some god who has a purpose for them and therefore were designed to be, etc.

This of course is nonsense, as the true nature of life is manufactured without any cultural training whatsoever and what it is manufactured as or with it is the need to live in the appropriate container for the life form it is aligned to e.g. a human core to a human body, a dog core to a dog body and so on. They are everywhere all of the time, and time is against them. They are attracted to the event of conception and are also aware sometimes of the ovulation cycles in the female. They (Cores of all planetary life forms), will hang around the ovulation waiting for the opportunity to become conceived at the time, into the event.

The quickening, is the point when the foetus or growing life form has reached its primitive shape, it is too late to go back and the event goes for full time. The foetus is already occupied by a core or soul, which later may or will be called a baby, a brother or sister, a relative and so on. From that point on the Core of that life form has an attachment and connection to its own transient family line or tree. At this point the clairvoyant and empathic connection of the unborn through the mother to the family tree is already active.

The purest form of birth is with a first timer (also known as a Newbie), meaning that what is occupying the new planetary physical body (in this instance a new baby human) is a new core which has never been born before. This leaves one question unanswered, the question about ‘connection to its own transient family line or tree’. The answer to this is that no pre-life core has its own family tree. What happens is the pre-life core is adopted by the mother or in some instances remains devoid of family tree (also known as a free radical). We live today at the end of a long history of planetary event, which through the evolution of planetary life has reached the stages of third conception and beyond.

Evolution through Reincarnation/

“Our origin is from the planetary sphere beginning as a Core but our future is in the stars.” 

The Sayings of Virsel

To continue on..

On the matter of the result of the first life.

The first life has no experience other then what was endowed upon it by the mother that made it for example the mothers D.N.A., the clairvoyant and empathic link between the unborn and the mother herself (the doorway to the transient family). Living a planetary life in this age means to mix and mingle with those from history, those from different cultures, those that are reborn or reincarnated. All of this plus whatever has been learned, experienced, suffered, enjoyed and so on, will at the end of the first life be the measure of what that Core has become.

At the instance of the body’s ending a separation occurs between the body and the core within it. The body, if left to the natural event, goes into a process of self-disposal whilst the Core occupies the planetary environment according to its denominations e.g. the Astral, the Ethereal and so on. The planetary balance of life is always determined from within the planetary purpose of life, against which the newbie life can measure itself. It is known that in general as the cultural life, as it is does not produce a required standard of life to satisfy the planetary need for an evolving, developing, ascending life form.

Around this one point is a great deal of controversy, argument, embattlement and unfinished event. It is in the Virsel view that it is a mistaken and wrongful revelation that someone or something are measured, punished or face some kind of doomsday if they have not lived according to this mistaken and wrongful revelation e.g. of any religion, dogma, secret society, discipline of life etc. The idea is nothing more than the installation of a predatory fear for the purpose of control and more.

The what of it in truth is that nothing in nature is totally perfect and the fact that this planet and its environment can sustain life at all is something of a special occasion. The standard of Core life in the pre-life condition varies like it does in general manufacture. The machinery is the same but the product isn’t always the same, leading to the totally useless (the planet had a headache), not so good, generally good, excellently good. The transposition is always good but not necessarily is the product, meaning that quite a number fall besides the way, fail or just don’t make it.

Passing through means finding a second life where the inclination of the core life itself (the what and you of you also known as the ‘I of self’), has a limited time to become reborn, but this time it isn’t a fair start as the core has already been conditioned, blemished, indoctrinated etc. and therefore requires a more distinct physical life. This means e.g. that the features of the first life will be looking to live again in the same roles, styles and events. From the standpoint of the human being, the first (newbie) life was lived close to the association of one’s existence, one’s life and one’s living but in the reborn life the emphasis is placed firmly and squarely on the life and the living of it, as your existence is not in issue like it was in the first or newbie life.

On the matter of the issue of living and result of Re-birth (second) or Re-born life.

The issue of the living event in all of this is that it is the medial aspect of it all, the cogitations of it speak of an array of different features some of which originate from or belong to a cultural interference. The fact that the first life and the re-birth (second life), are still evented in the general crucible of life is unfortunate but as was stated before, we are born at the end of history and not the beginning. They, these two events, live with little protection from life.

The medial aspect is a furtherance of the empathic becoming a mediumistic nature of life and is causative in the nature of all people. The nature of the person who has entered into the re-birth life is somewhat responsive, as the first life was causative of what is contained in the second or re-birth life. A struggle begins between that which was born with the core into the second life seeking continuance, whilst the second life itself (especially if it is a different mother), is seeking its own event. What influences the outcome at this stage is determination and/or purpose if any.

Based upon the three structures, existence, life and living, living is the most active and engaged whilst the life itself gathers what the living events from it all. In the re-birth life it is possible to repeat the life lived before, meaning that the living event of the re-birth life has weakened or is failing. Whatever the issue (what has been stated here as the most important) there is still no reasonable guarantee that the second life will make it and succeed on into a third life (the reborn life). It might join up with the armies of the ‘living with a body’ (re-incarnation begun) or hang with the living that still wait for a body to try again or go on (sometimes mistaken for ghosts and more).

Moving on to the results of the Re-birth life, what happens is that the identity (unlike the first life) begins to meld with the content brought forward in the core nature of the first life. There are two aspects about this that need notation, the first is true line divination which counts more in the re-incarnation processes but nevertheless can implant itself in the second life. The point being made is that this can create difficulties later on when the issue of being a free radical occurs. The second aspect is that the identity of the core nature can be misdirected by the features of what might be a dynamic culture that surrounds it.